RIP to Fight Bladder Cancer UK legend Andrew Winterbottom
Updated: Jul 17, 2019

This loss is felt all over the world. We will never forget Andrew or his legacy. Our deepest condolences from Australia to Tracy and dearest friends and family.
I still remember the day back in 2013 when I found support from Fight Bladder Cancer when my Dad was terminal, when no group or charity in Australia existed. I spoke to Andrew about starting an Australian group, his response was ‘of course you should!’ It was as if a fire was born inside me and I realised this as the true purpose of my life going forward. Andrew helped on countless occasions. Supporting and providing invaluable advice when we hit roadblocks or challenges.
You were truly one of the most remarkable people I was given the privilege to know. Please know you were loved all over the world and your impact will be infinite.
In the words of Andrew ‘Love your life... take your life and make it the best damn story in the world. Don’t waste this shit.’
RIP to a true legend,
Stephanie and the BCA Family

Tribute from Lydia Makaroff, CEO Fight Bladder Cancer
I have tell you, with the greatest of sadness, that Andrew Winterbottom has died today, on May 31st. Many of you will know he had a terminal diagnosis of bowel cancer last year and had undergone chemo-therapy to prolong his quality of life. He will be hugely missed by all of us who knew him or have been helped in some way by his extraordinary drive. Andrew founded Fight Bladder Cancer with his wife Tracy Staskevich as a direct response to his bladder cancer diagnosis in 2009 when he discovered there was no support for patients like him. He vowed no one should feel alone. He was ‘on brand’ to the end, wearing his Wee Wee Wee All The Way Home t-shirt. In March 2019 Andrew attended the inaugural meeting of the World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition in Barcelona. It was the culmination of years of work by Andrew to create a global organisation. It is also poignant that he dies on the last day Bladder Cancer Awareness Month, which he started and saw develop into a global event. It is a testimony to his immense energy and passion that today Fight Bladder Cancer supports thousands of patients and their families every year. I am sure you will want to join me in extending sympathies to his wife Tracy and all his family. When Andrew stepped down from running Fight Bladder Cancer last year to concentrate on his own health, his handpicked team continued the work. Anne, Emma, Lydia, Mel, Sophie and Sue have carried on with patient and family support, raising awareness, encouraging research and advocating policy change: all important work begun by Andrew. Andrew was a man full of creativity. Before his death, an Andrew Winterbottom Memorial Fund was founded to enable ideas benefitting bladder cancer patients to become a reality. We will be sharing more about this later. ~ Lydia Makaroff, CEO Fight Bladder Cancer